Front gates to the Dargah Sharif of Hz. Moinuddin Chishti, r.a.

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The Chishtiyya Order of Sufis

The Sufi Study Circle of the University of Toronto -- Home Page
Who We Are
    Image - Syed Mumtaz Ali
    Image - Abdul Rahim Gaudet
    Image - Dr. Mirza Qadeer Baig, r.a.
The Silsila of the Gudri Shahi Branch of the Chishti Order of Sufis
Sufism in Toronto
Syed Mumtaz Ali  -- Our current Khalifa
    Image - Syed Mumtaz Ali

Chishti Shaikhs
Khwaja Usman Harooni, r.a.
Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti, r.a. -- The Life of -- detailed
    Image - The Dargah of Moinuddin Chishti, r.a.
    Image - Inside the Dargah of Moinuddin Chishti, r.a.
Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti, r.a. -- The Life of -- brief
Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti, r.a. -- His life
Hazrat Qutbuddin Bakhtiar Kaki, r.a.
Hazrat Baba Fariduddin Ganj-e-Shakar, r.a
Hazrat Nizamuddin Awlia, r.a.
Hazrat Nizamuddin Awlia, r.a. (External Link)
Hazrat Nasiruddin Mehmud Chiragh Dehlavi, r.a.
Syed Malik Mohammed Alam Sain Gudri Shahi r.a.
Hazrat Abdur Rahim Shah [a.k.a. Quazi Gudri Shahi]
Hazrat Nawab Mohammad Khadim Hasan Shah, r.a.
   Image - Nawab Sahib, r.a.
Dr. Mirza Qadeer Baig, r.a. -- A recollection and some Reflections and a Remembrance of him
    Image - Dr. M. Qadeer Baig, r.a.
Hazrat Dr. Zahurul Hassan Sharib Gudri Shah Baba, r.a
    Image - Dr. Sharib, r.a.
Hazrat Inam Hasan Gudri Shah Baba
    Image - Inam Hasan
Syed Mumtaz Ali
    Image - Syed Mumtaz Ali

Discourses on Sufism
An Introduction to Sufism -- excellent!
Another Introduction to Sufism
The Path of Tasawwuf
The Quranic Roots of Sufism - from the book "The Quranic Sufism" by Mir Vali-ud-din
The Four Stages of Tazkiya (purification of the soul)
Sama (mystical music)
Sama -- Listening to Music
Is Qawwali considered to be music?
Sufism -- The Spiritual Culture of Islam
Adab: The Courtesy of the Path
Quranic Sufism: The Sunnah ~ The Soul of Sufism,  and
The meaning of 'Traditions'
Zikr -- The Remembrance of Allah
Love and Hate -- Purely for the sake of Allah S.W.T.
Hadrat Ali, the father of Sufism
Sufism: The Muslim Universal Way
Shaikh Abdul Qadir Gilani
The Mathnawi of Jalalu'ddin Rumi
The Alchemy of Happiness by Al-Ghazzali
PDF- Muslim Saints and Mystics - by A.J. Arberry (External link)
PDF - The Discourses of Rumi - by A.J. Arberry (External link)
PDF -The Gulistan of Sa'di (The Rose Garden) - translated by E. Rehatsik (External link)
PDF -The Gulistan of Sa'di (The Rose Garden) - translated by J. Ross (External link)
PDF -The Orchard of Sa'di - by Sa'di of Shiraz (External link)
Shaikh Abdul Qadir Gilani - The King of Saints - a biography
The Niche for Lights (Mishkat al-Anwar) by al-Ghazzali

Upcoming Events
Important Islamic Dates - next 5 years

External Links
Suggested Reading List
Milad-un-Nabi  -- Includes a selection of the sayings of the Prophet p.b.u.h.

Photos of the Dargah of Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti, r.a. (6 photos)
The Chillah of Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti, r.a. (9K)
The Dargah of Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti, r.a. (17K)
The entrance to the Dargah Sharif of Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti, r.a. (18K) (top of this page)
Inside the Dargah of Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti, r.a. (14K)
The Shrine of Saeen Gi Gudri Shah Baba, r.a. (11K)
The Shrine of  Quazi Gudri Shahi, r.a.
Usmani Chillah (10K)
Nawab Sahib Gudri Shah Baba, r.a.
Dr. Mirza Qadeer Baig, r.a. (10K)
Dr. Mirza Qadeer Baig, r.a. (5K)
Dr. Zuhurul Hassan Sharib Gudri Shah Baba, r.a. and Inam Hasan Gudri Shah Baba (23K)
Syed Mumtaz Ali (9K)
Syed Mumtaz Ali (10K)
Ana Sagar Lake in Ajmer, India (18 K)
Three Shaykhs in our Silsila ... past and present

©  The Sufi Study Circle of the University of Toronto 2004

Allahu Ahad -- God is One