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Ibn 'Abbad of Ronda -- Letters on the Sufi Path, translated by John Renard; Paulist Press, New York, 1986.
Knowledge of God by Shaykh al-'Alawi; translated by 'Abd al-Kabir al-Munawarra and 'Abd as-Sabur al-Ustadh, Diwan Press, Norfolk, 1981.
Inner Secrets of the Path by Sayyid Haydar Amuli; translated by Assadullah ad-Dhaakir Yate, Element Books, Longmead, 1989.
The Bezels of Wisdom by Ibn Al-'Arabi, translated by R.W.J. Austin; Paulist Press, New York, New York, 1980.
"Whoso Knoweth Himself..." by Ibn 'Arabi, translated by T.H. Weir BD; Beshara Publications, Hope (Sufferance) Wharf Rotherhithe, London SE 16.
Sufis of Andalusia by Muhyiuddin Ibn 'Arabi, translated by R.W.J. Austin, London, 1971.
Kernel of the Kernel by Muhyiuddin Ibn 'Arabi, translated by Ismail Hakki Bursevi; Beshara Publications, Gloucestershire, England.
Self-Knowledge; Commentaries on Sufic Songs by Ibn 'Arabi and other shaykhs; translated by 'A'isha 'Abd ar-Rahman at-Tarjumana, Iqra Inc., Tuscon.
Sufism and Shari'ah by Muhammad Abdul Haq Ansari; The Islamic Foundation.
Tadhkartul-Auliya (Memoirs of the Saints), by Farid Uddin Attar, translated by Dr. Bankey Behari; Sh. Muhammad Ashra, Kashmir Bazaar, Lahore, Pakistan, 1970.
Muslim Saints and Mystics, Episodes from the Tadhkirat al-Auliya' by Farid al-Din Attar, translated by A.J. Arberry, The Penguin Group, London.
PDF- Muslim Saints and Mystics - by A.J. Arberry (free book in pdf)
The Mysticism of Hamzah Fansuri by Syed Muhammad Nagub Al-Attas; University of Malaysia Press; Kuala Lumpur, 1970
Introduction to Sufi Doctrines by Titus Burckhardt; Sh. Muhammad Ashraf, Lahore, Pakistan, 1959 [Reprinted as "An Introduction to Sufism" by Titus Burckhardt, Aquarian Press, 1990]
The Sufi Path of Knowledge by William C. Chittick; State University of New York Press, Albany, 1989.
The Darqawi Wayby Mawlay al-Arabi ad-Darqawi; translated by 'A'isha 'Abd ar-Rahman at-Tarjumana, Diwan Press, Norfolk, 1979. [CURRENTLY OUT OF PRINT]
The Book of Certainty by Abu Bakr Siraj Ad-Din; Samuel Weiser Inc., New York, 1970.
The Secret of Ana'l-Haqqby Shaykh Ibrahim Gazur-i-Ilahi; with notes and introduction by Khan Sahib Khaja Khan; Sh. Muhammad Ashraf, 1971.
The Alchemy of Happiness by Al-Ghazzali; Sh. Muhammad Ashraf, Lahore, Pakistan, 1956.
The Book of Knowledge by Al-Ghazzali, translated by W. Montgomery Watt; George Allen and Unwin Ltd., London, 1970.
The Faith and Practice of Al-Ghazzali translated by Nabih Amin Faris; Sh. Muhammad Ashraf, Kashmiri Bazaar, Lahore, Pakistan, 1970.
Mishkat al-Anwar ("The Niche of Light") by Al-Ghazzali, translated by W.H.T. Gairdner, Sh. Muhammad Ashraf, Lahore, 1952.
The Journey of the Self: A Sufi Guide to Personality by Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri, Harper, San Francisco, 1989.
Living Islam East and West by Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri; Element Books Limited, Longmead/Dorset, 1989.
The Kashful Mahjub: Unveiling the Veiled by Syed Ali bin Uthman al-Hujweri. Translation & Commentary by W.B.S. Rabbani, A.S. Noordeen, 1997
The Achievement of Love -- Spiritual Dimensions of Islam by Sufi Muhammad Iqbal; La Maison de publication Islamique d'Amerique, P.O. Box 273, Cartierville, Montreal, Quebec, H4K 2J6, 1986.
Al-Insan al-kamil (The Perfect Man), by 'Abdul Karim al-Jili, translated by Titus Burckhardt; Beshara Publications, Gloucestershire, England.
The Life, Personality and Writings of Al-Junayd, translated by Ali Hassan Abdel-Kader; Gibb Memorial Series, Vol. 22, Luzac, London, 1962.
The Doctrine of the Sufis by Abu Bakr al-Kalabadhi; translated by A.J. Arberry; Sh. Muhammad Ashraf, 7-Aibak Road (new Anarkali), Lahore-7, Pakistan, 1983.
The Sufism of Rumi by K. Khosla; Element Books Ltd., Longmead, Shaftesbury, Dorset, 1987.
A Sufi Saint of the Twentieth Century -- Shaikh Ahmad Al-'Alawi -- his spiritual heritage and legacy by Martin Lings; The Islamic Texts Society, Cambridge, 1993
What is Sufism? by Martin Lings; University of California, Berkeley, 1977.
The Hundred Letters by Sharafuddin Maneri; translated by Paul Jackson. Paulist Press, New York, 1980.
Irfan: A True and Unique Book of Divine Knowledge by Faqir Nur Muhammad; Kurachi/District Dera Ismail Uhar/Pakistan, 1958.
Sufi Essays by Seyyed H. Nasr; Allan and Unwin Ltd., London, 1972.
Islamic Spirituality: Foundations, Vol. 19, edited by Seyyed Hossein Nasr; The Crossroad Publishing Company, 1991.
Saviours of Islamic Spirit,Volumes I-III, by Syed Abdul Hasan Ali Nadwi; translated by Mohiuddin Ahmad; Academy of Islamic Research and Publications, Lucknow.
Sufism by Dr. Javad Nurbakhsh; Khaniqahi-Nimatullahi Publications, 306 West 11th Street, New York, New York 10014, 1982.
Mercy Oceans Series of books by Shaikh Nazim Adil Al-Qubrusi; Sebat Offset Printers, Konya, 1980s.
The Path of God's Bondsmen from Origin to Return by Najm al-Din Razi; translated from the Persian by Hamid Algar, Caravan Books, Delmar, New York, 12054, 1980.
Discourses of Rumi by Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi, translated by A.J. Arberry; Allen and Unwin Ltd., London, 1961.
PDF - The Discourses of Rumi - by A.J. Arberry( free book in pdf format)
'Awarif ul-Ma'arif by Shaikh Shahab-ud-Din Suhrawardi, translated by H. Wilberforce Clarke; Samuel Weiser, New York, 1970.
Mystical Dimensions of Islam by Annemarie Schimmel; The University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, 1986.
Sufism: Veil and Quintessence by Frithjof Schuon; translated by William Stoddart; Word Wisdom Books, 4211 East Third St., Bloomington, Indiana 47401, 1981.
Understanding Islam by Frithjof Schuon; George Allen and Unwin Ltd., London, 1963.
The Writing on the Water by Muhyiddin Shakoor, Element Books, Longmead/Dorset, 1988.
An Early Mystic of Baghdad by Margaret Smith, London, 1935. [OUT OF PRINT]
Rabi'a the Mystic and Her Fellow Saints in Islam by Margaret Smith, Cambridge, 1928.  -- [OUT OF PRINT]
RABI'A The Life and Work of Rabi'a and other Women Mystics in Islam by Margaret Smith; Oneworld Publications, Oxford England and Rockport MA, U.S.A., 1994.
A Sufi Rule for Novices by Abu al-Najib al-Suhrawardi, translated by Menahem Milson; Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1975.
The Book of Sufi Chivalry: Futuwwahby Ibn al Husayn al-Sulami; translated by   Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi al Halveti; Inner Traditions International, New York, 1983.
Contemplative Disciplines in Sufism by Dr. Mir Vali-ud-din, East-West Publications, 120 Charing Cross Road, London WC2H 0JR, England, 1980.
Love of God by Dr. Mir Vali-ud-din; Sufi Publishing Company, P.O. Box 21, Farnham, Surrey, England; 1972.
The Quranic Sufism by Dr. Mir Vali-ud-din; Sh. Muhammad Ashraf, Publishers, Booksellers & Exporters, 7-Aibak Road (New Anarkali) Lahore, Pakistan, 1991
Sacred Knowledge by Shah Waliullah, translated by G.N. Jalbani, Octagon Press, London, 1982.
The Endowment of Divine Grace and the spread of Divine Mercy (Al-Fathu Rabbani) by Shaikh Muhyiddeen Abdul-Qadir Gilani, Translated by Muhammad M. Al-Akili, Pearl Publishing House, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., 1990.
Introduction to Islam by Dr. M. Hamidullah, Kazi Publications, Chicago, IL, U.S.A. 1981.
Faith and Practice of Islam: Three Thirteenth-Century Sufi Texts by William C. Chittick, State University of New York Press, Albany, NY 1992.
The Sufi Path of Love:  The Spiritual Teachings of Rumi by William C. Chittick, State University of New York Press, Albany, NY 1984.
The Mystical Teachings of Al-Shadhili: Including His Life, Prayers, Letters, and Followers A translation from the Arabic of Ibn al-Sabbagh's Durrat Al-Asrar wa Tuhfat al-Abrar translated by Elmer H. Douglas, Edited with an Introduction and a Bibliography by Ibrahim M. Abu-Rabi', State University of New York Press, Albany, NY 1993.
Knowledge and the Sacred by Seyyed Hossein Nasr, State University of New York Press, Albany, NY 1981.
Sufi Essays, Second Edition by Seyyed Hossein Nasr, State University of New York Press, Albany, NY 1991.
Islam: An Introduction by Annemarie Schimmel., State University of New York Press, Albany, NY 1992.
The Triumphal Sun: A Study of the Works of Jalaludin Rumi by Annemarie Schimmel, State University of New York Press, Albany, NY  1993.
A Glossary of Sufi Technical TermsCompiled by Abd al-Razzaq al-Qashani, translated from the Arabic by Nabil afwatma PhD., revised and edited by David Pendlebury. Published by Octagon Press Ltd. 1991
A comprehensive list of books in English either by or about Ibn 'Arabi  --- CLICK HERE
Islamic Sufism: The Science of flight in God, with God, by God, and Union and communion with God by Capt. (R) Wahid Bakhsh Rabbani, A.S. Noordeen , 4th edition 1992
Mysticism And The New Physics by Michael Talbot, published by Penguin Books 1993

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