Hazrat Abdur Rahim Shah
[a.k.a. Quazi Gudri Shahi]

A little to the south of the Chillah of Khwaja Sahib, stands the holy, white shrine of Hazrat Abdur Rahim Shah, known as Quazi Gudri Shahi. The shrine is a square building, standing in the centre of a strong, fort wall.

1274 Hijra, the birth of the saint, is mentioned in the 'Tazakara Hazrat Abdur Rahim Shah, Gudri Shahi. He was in search of a Murshid or spiritual guide who could bring him close to God, and so he left his native place Kashipur in U.P. [Uttar Pradesh, India] and came to Ajmer, India.

After some years, he saw a dream in which Hazrat Khwaja Moin Uddin Hasan Chishti was in the company of Sain Gudri Shahi. Hazrat Khwaja Moin Uddin Chishti was pointing towards Gudri Shahi and instructing Quazi Gudri Shahi to "Become his Mureed ". It still took him several years after this dream, to find him.

Fortunately, one evening he found him standing amidst the poor, distributing langar (bread and lentils). He immediately sprang forward and placed his hand on Sain Gudri Shah Baba's feet, out of respect. Afterwards, he joined his circle.

After becoming Sain Gudri Shah Baba's mureed, he accompanied him, travelling by foot, across Afghanistan, Iran and Iraq to Damascus, Egypt and Africa.

The grace of his murshid's company brought a change in him enlightening him from head to foot. After the passing away of his murshid, the people began to call him too by the name Gudri Shahi.

His simplicity and easy manners encouraged many thousands to enter his order.

Some of his well-known sayings were:

External work should be done correctly by external means.
Internal work should be done internally.

A secret talk is best done in secrecy.

He is not a faqir who lacks ability and patience.

Whoever has not seen the Truth here, will not see it there either.

At one time, a mureed asked a Qawwaal to sing a particular verse. Hazrat Gudri Shahi became angry, saying ''Never ask the Qawwaal to sing a particular verse. In the verse he himself chooses to sing, there is inspiration. In that inspiration, there is the will of God, and where there is the Will of God, there is intoxication, joy, pleasure and cheerfulness.''

When the end of life drew nearer for Hazrat Quazi Gudri Shahi, he asked his most devoted mureed, Hazrat Nawab Khadim Hasan (Nawab Sahib) to accompany him to the Chillah Sharif. He asked him to bring four bricks, and without speaking, placed the four bricks in the corners of what was to become his burial place. After some time, when he died, on the 5th Shawaal, 1344 AH, he was buried at the exact spot. His shrine is the focus of faith for the thousands of devotees, who celebrate his Urs each year.