Introduction to Islam
by Dr. M. Hamidullah
Dr. Hamidullah's book is a good resource, not only for non-Muslims who wish to know more about Islam, but for Muslims who wish to learn more about their faith. Here is a complete listing of the chapters (and also other excerpts):
Ch. 1 ... The Prophet of Islam -- His Biography paragraphs 1-42
Ch. 2 ... Preservation of the Original Teachings of Islam paragraphs 43-98
Ch. 3 ... The Islamic Conception of Life paragraphs 99-125
Ch. 4 ... Faith and Belief paragraphs 126-159
Ch. 5 ... Devotional Life and Religious Practices in Islam paragraphs 160-198/a
Ch. 6 ... The Cultivation of Spiritual Life paragraphs 199-222
Ch. 7 ... The System of Morality in Islam paragraphs 223-257
Ch. 8 ... The Political System of Islam paragraphs 258-299
Ch. 9 ... The Judicial System of Islam paragraphs 300-336
Ch. 10 ... The Economic System of Islam paragraphs 337-379
Ch. 11 ... The Muslim Woman paragraphs 380-405
Ch. 12 ... The Status of non-Muslims in Islam paragraphs 406-442
Ch. 13 ... Muslim Contribution to the Sciences and Arts paragraphs 443-488
Ch. 14 ... General History of Islam paragraphs 489-515
Ch. 15 ... Daily Life of a Muslim paragraphs 516-592 [large file]
Select Bibliography of Muslim Authors
On Polygamy ...Paragraphs 402 - 404 
On Free Will and Predestination ... Paragraphs  121 - 125 
On Free Will and Predestination ... Paragraphs  155 - 158 
On  The Hajj ... Paragraphs 177 - 184
On why the Service of Worship (i.e. the Salat or Prayer) is in Arabic ... Paragraphs 575 i-xvii 
On Zakat and State Expenditure ... Paragraphs 351 - 367
On Gambling and Alcohol ... Paragraphs 251, 252, 368 & 379
On Holy War ... Paragraph 441 and 442
Determining the direction of the Qibla ... Paragraphs 554 and 582 (f and g)


Islam in a Nutshell An excerpt from the same book by Dr. Hamidullah
Treatment of Prisoners of War excerpt from The Muslim Conduct of State
Muslims and non-Muslims are Equal and Alike in Worldly Affairs excerpt from The Muslim Conduct of State
The Contribution of Imam al Shafi (An excerpt from The Emergence of Islam)