September 2001

With the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

Terrorist Attack - Reactions

As-Salaamu Alaikum

The following media release was sent to the Media (print/radio/TV) across Canada and was also posted on our website on Sept. 12, 2001. Similarly an outgoing voice-mail message was also relayed to people who called us by phone:

Click Here to see the page

As a consequence of the terrorist bombings in the U.S., we at the Canadian Society of Muslims have received a great deal of e-mail from visitors to our website. The vast majority of the letters have been sympathetic and full of kindness. Only a small number were of the hate variety. In any case, we've decided to share some of these letters with you, as these are indeed quite reassuring for the Muslim community at large. Yes there are some really nice people out there who care enough to take the time and trouble to show their thoughtfulness during this troubled time!

The names and e-mail addresses of these correspondents have been removed.

Hate Mail

We're sure you get the picture from the above two e-mails. Now for some letters of friendship and support: 

There were many many more supportive letters. Unfortunately because of space limitations on the News Bulletin we could not print them all. They have now been uploaded here.

You might also get an insight and better understanding of Islamic teachings relating to the principles and the Islamic way of life which emphasizes Love for All, and the need for Universal Brotherhood, Religious Tolerance and multiracial, multi-cultural co-existence on our website, under the title of "Tolerance in Islam" by Marmaduke Pickthall. You might also read another article directly dealing with the current issue of the U.S. terrorist attack situation which was written by Mohamed Elmasry of the CIC: click here to see it.

Caveat Emptor

There have been reports of a new situation which is occurring. Apparently some people who "may not be Muslims" are using Muslim names and calling media organizations and expressing their approval of terrorists attacks against the United States. Yesterday, a lady called a radio talk show program and identified herself as Muslim, and said that she approves the attacks on WTC and Pentagon. The host of the program wanted to talk to her further but she hung-up. We have received similar information from other parts of Canada and USA.

Update on the School Textbook Issue

Al-hamdu li Allah, almost all of our recommendations have been accepted by Oxford University Press, whose book "Exploring World Religions" is going to press this week. We offer our thanks to the media and also all the Muslims and non-Muslims who have supported us in this regard, especially those who took the time out to attend our Milad-un-Nabi celebration in Toronto, Edmonton and other places.

As-Salaamu Alaikum

Syed Mumtaz Ali
President of the Canadian Society of Muslims