
I have an question to ask. I am a Catholic girl who is in love with a Muslim guy. He is a very open minded person. He is a very loving & caring person. I really love him very much, in fact we love each other a lot. Now, here is my question. Can I marry him by just solemnizing our marriage the Muslim way without me converting to a Muslim nor he converting to Catholicism? After which we would register our marriage at the ROM.

We will both remain as what we are and lead life the normal life. I don't see why I must give up my religion in order to marry him   when he is not giving is up.

In actual fact my boyfriend doesn't insist that I should convert to marry him but the family does. So I told him that I think we should decide for ourselves. Please help find a solution, thanks.


Yes, you can marry without changing your religion, because the holy Qur'an expressly and specifically permits the marriage of a Muslim man to a woman of the Ahl-e-Kitab (people of the Scriptures). The Ahl-e-Kitab is interpreted to mean people of the Jewish or Christian faith. After marriage, it is binding upon the Muslim husband to permit his Christian or Jewish wife to practise her own religion without any hindrance from him whatsoever. On the other hand, the holy Qur'an expressly forbids a Muslim woman from marriage to a non-Muslim man (even if he belongs to the people of Scriptures -- e.g. Christians or Jews).

Generally speaking, the son's parents often prefer to have a Muslim daughter-in-law, mainly for cultural and social considerations -- but not because of religious requirements. This is similar to the practise of parents encouraging their children to marry people with similar racial, linquistic, and social status (such as wealth, nobility, profession, beauty, skin colour and so on). What really matters however, is the good moral character and compatibility of the couple.

Two adults who are able to make their own decisions may do so freely when it comes to choosing a marriage partner, and if they can, they might also try to accommodate the parent's wishes if possible. If it is not possible, then that is too bad. Marriage in Islam is a civil contract made between two consenting parties out of their own free will.

In Canada, a person who is authorized to solemnize  marriage under Canadian law, can also perform the Nikah (Muslim Marriage ceremony) at the same time and register with the Registrar of Marriages. Check the law for your own
country for this purpose. Muslim marriage (Nikah) is required in accordance with the Muslim law and it is a legal requirement even if the bride is a Christian or is Jewish.