The Elementary Teachings of
by His Exalted Eminence
Mawlana Mohammed Abdul-Aleem Siddiqui
to The Third Edition
It is a living miracle of
the Truth of Islam that, though it has neither a backing of huge missionary
corporations, nor does it have any authentic literature in foreign languages,
yet people after people, attracted to it by its inherent magnetic force,
keep on embracing this religion of love and universal brotherhood. For,
whenever either by dint of personal research and study or by a chance contact
with, and the consequent guidance of a real Muslim theologian, they learn
the true facts about Islam, the invariable conclusion they arrive at is
that Islam is a very simple religion and all its teachings are perfectly
rational and in complete consonance with the laws of nature.
It is not a new religion,
but a divinely executed combination of all the old inspired ones and provides
the via media, the golden means. On the one hand, its comprehensively high
code of ethics, which is unique for many reasons, equips its votary for
his journey towards the ultimate goal of a sincere seeker after Truth,
Allah, and on the other directs its followers to fester and maintain fraternal
relations with all the human beings and achieve the utmost progress in
all the spheres of art and science and the material walks of life.
This is the only religion,
the Sacred Book of which, the Holy Qur'an, is preserved intact in its pristine
purity and an authentic record of the minutest details of the eventful
life of its promulgator. Prophet Muhammad (May peace and blessings of Allah
be on him), is extant to this day after a lapse of more than thirteen centuries.
The necessity of the presentation
of the elementary teachings of Islam, explaining its Cardinal Articles
of Faith and the Fundamental Principles in the simplest possible English
language is there- fore, obvious; for such a publication would not only
serve to acquaint the English-knowing new Muslims with the essentials of
Faith and the directions fort engaging in devotion to Allah, but also supply
the long-felt need of a handy book for imparting the rudiments of Islam
to the Muslim children of those countries where the English Language rules
supreme? and children are sent away to school using English as medium,
of instruction, without having any knowledge, whatsoever, of their religion.
Realising the urgency of
publishing such a volume, I, during my itinerary of Ceylon, Singapore,
Penang, Java, etc., drafted out a skeleton according to the Shafi'i School
in spite of numerous pre-occupations. My learned friend, Mr. M.I.M. Haniffa,
B.A. (London), Advocate of Colombo, very kindly undertook to revise and
touch it up, and it was due to his invaluable assistance that "A Short
Catechism of the First Teachings of Islam" was published a few years ago,
and has proved very beneficial.
About the same time an incomplete
and imperfect draft, according to the Hanafi School, was re- leased for
publication in "The Real Islam" of Singapore on account of pressing demands.
The present volume is a thoroughly revised and enlarged edition of that
draft. While sending it to the press' I feel, I must acknowledge the co-operation,
in this humble work, of Mr. K. S. Anwari, my Secretary, during the South
and East African tour, and of my son-in- law Hafiz Muhammad Fazlur Rahman
Ansari, B.A. (Alig.).
While expressing the hope
that this little volume will serve the purpose in view and will meet the
approval of all those concerned, I desire to record my sincere thanks to
AI-Haj Mohammad Ibrahim of Trinidad for liberally undertaking the cost
of printing and thus rendering a signal service to Islam and to the public.
If it pleases Allah, a second
volume, in which commonsense arguments in support of the Cardinal articles
of Faith and a much more detailed treatment of the Principles of Islam
and the laws governing society will be incorporated, will soon follow this
modest attempt.
May it please Allah to accept
this humble service. Amen!
Preface to the 1954 Edition
In the name of Allah, the
Beneficent, the Merciful. A brief reference to the compilation of the present
book has been made in the Preface to the third edition, herein included.
The first edition was published as soon as the original draft was serialised
in the "Real Islam" of Singapore. The second edition was brought out in
South Africa by Mr. Makki, who actually made it the inaugural step in his
great anc glorious campaign of service in the field of Islamic publications.
Soon after that, it was thoroughly revised and enlarged and was published
in the form in which it is being presented, now. Thereafter its popularity
grew by leaps and bounds and the demand for it became world-wide. (Consequently
it was printed so many times and in such number; that it is difficult for
me to give the exact figures.
I have never sought any commercial
gains either from my speeches or from my writings. Many of my speeches
were recorded in different countries of the world, but I never got their
records registered in my name. Similarly, as regards my writings, I have
always refrained from reserving their copy- right either in my own favour
or in the favour of any other individual or organisation. This means that
everyone is at liberty to publish any of my books, provided he does so
for missionary purposes i.e., either to sell at moderate price or to distribute
free among seekers of Islamic knowledge -- and not for making money.
The present book could be
no exception to the rule. Consequently, whenever anyone considered necessary
to print it, he did so, sometimes even without intimating me. Hence fresh
editions continued to come out, though in some cases certain changes and
deletions were also made without my permission or knowledge. Thus, for
instance, its name was changed to "Genuine Islam " in the Australian edition,
while in the Egyptian edition, of which 5,000 copies were printed and distributed
gratis in different parts of the world, all the questions were deleted
and only their answers were retained and published. Side by side with the
English editions, Mr. Eshack Abdullatif, the indefatigable Secretary-General
of the 'Halqa-i-Qaderiyyah Isha'at-i-Islam', Mauritius, brought out his
ably-executed French version, which was widely circulated among the French
speaking people by the Egyptian friends.
The demand for the book has,
however, continued to increase with its circulation, and recently it was
stressed by many friends from different parts of the world that a substantially-large
edition of the complete English version, including Arabic passages, should
be published. The appeals from Haji Muhammad Ibrahim of Trinidad (who had
borne the expenses of the third edition) and the Anjuman Ikhwan-us-Safa
of Durban were specially pressing. Hence I searched for a suitable publisher,
and I am glad that my choice fell on the "Islamic Literature Publishing
House" of Bangalore, Bharat, whose proprietor, Mr. A. J. Khaleel, BA.,
BL. accepted the job with the profoundest religious enthusiasm. In fact,
he plans to publish not only the present English edition but also its translations
in several languages. He has already distinguished himself in his great
and noble scheme of publishing the translations of the Holy Qur'an in different
languages of the world and of selling their copies at a very low price,
and I have no doubt that in his hands the present job shall also be accomplished
with glory and good name.
It has been decided that
while the "Islamic Literature Publishing House" shall act as the publisher
of the present edition, it shall supply the required number of copies at
cost price to Haji Muhammad Ibrahim and the Ikhwan-us-Safa, who shall act
as sole distributors in their respective spheres, i.e., the former in North,
(central and South America, and the latter in the continent of Africa and
the adjoining islands, while the "Publishing House" itself shall work as
sole distributor for the rest of the world.
This being so, there is a
moral obligation, that no one should print this book now so long as its
copies are available with the above-mentioned parties, who have undertaken
their present job solely for the sake of God and to whom any such step
shall prove to be a source of under served financial difficulties.
The second volume of the
present book was promised in the Preface to the third edition. Its initial
draft has been lying ready with me for sometime. But, formerly my missionary
travels did not spare me the opportunity to give it final touches and make
it ready for publication, while now that I am staying at Medina my health
has not permitted me to take up the task. Anyway, I hope to deliver it
to the Islamic Literature Publishing House for publication as soon as it
is possible for me. May Allah grant me the requisite health and strength.
Amen! Mohammed Abdul Aleem Siddiqui.
14th Rajab, 1373 AS.
Principles of Islam
Know, child, that God is only
And has no Partner or Son;
He has made us and everything,
All beasts, all fowls, all birds that
The Sun, the Moon, the Starry Sky,
The land, the sea, the mountains high.
He knows whate'er we think or act,
By Him is seen the real fact.
And only He does what He wills,
He makes, He keeps. He saves, He kills.
Fore'er the same, no age, no youth,
He is Perfection, He is Truth.
Almighty, All-seeing, Wise,
He hath not form or shape or size.
But Self-existing is our Lord,
And is always to be adored.
Our God is Just, and loves the right,
The wrong is hateful to His sight.
To all His creatures He is Kind,
He gave us reason that we might
Know good from bad wrong from right.
This is the first to light our path,
To gain His grace and shun His wrath.
But gift of reason varies far,
Some wise and others foolish are.
The eyes of mind our passion dims,
And reason oft is quenched by whims.
For second guide we have the men
Of larger mind and wider ken,
Who could from God a message get,
His Law before the people set.
We call them Prophets, know you well,
Coming events they could foretell.
No nation was without such guide,
To warn them and from sins to chide.
Each Prophet taught in his own sphere,
To worship God and Him to fear.
But thousands of such Prophets came,
Of whom we know not the name,
Of some well-known I mention make,
The Lord God bless us for their sake!
Job, Jacob, Joseph, Abraham,
Elias, David, Solomon,
Lot, Moses, Aaron, Ishmael,
Hud, Noah, Jesus, Daniel;
With Adam first and Muhammad last,
Between the two all others pass.
Their minds were brighter than our
But otherwise all flesh and bone;
God did not in them incorporate.
They were but men and separate.
The Books of God, a third guide form,
And us of His Commands inform,
God sent them through His Prophets
Repealing Older by the Late;
The Qur'an now the Law in force,
The other Books have run their course.
In all these Books 'tis plainly said,
The graves will once give up their
A new life God will give to men.
Who made us once will quicken again.
That day we shall, to judgement brought,
Be called to answer what we wrought,
And shall be judged by Faith we had,
And work we did good or bad.
The good shall get a festive treat -
Everlasting bliss and heavenly seat,
Where such the pleasure, such the mirth,
We've never dreamt of on this earth.
The bad shall go to hell and fire,
And suffer pains and torture dire.
But sense of guilt to conscious mind
Is more than all the pains combined
While sense of having pleased our Lord
Is greatest bliss and highest reward.
The Qur'an teaches us to pray
Our Lord God five times a day;
To fast the days of Ramadan lent,
To give alms to the indigent;
To visit Mecca once in life,
And to make for God every strife.
Find here the Muslim Laws in brief,
May God guide all to this belief.
- Sayyed Mohammed.
Prophet of Islam
The crown of creation set with
richest gems,
Diamonds and rubies in value beyond
Unequalled in brilliance, unique of
Art thou, O Great Prophet! to all mankind.
Truthful by nature and of most saintly
All called thee the Trusty, the Al-Ameen.
Most loving to children, courteous
to all,
To animals, tender, alike to great
and small;
Never on earth a nobler soul has trod,
Never had another shewed a true way
to God.
O sweetest flower that ever on earth
did bloom,
Matchless alike in divine beauty and
O whitest lily that human eyes have
O loveliest rose that in the world
has been,
All nature join, in homage, all men
Thee who brought light to a darksome
Thee whose teachings are as a necklace
of pearls,
Which when worn does radiant beauty
Adding lustre to body, to soul and
to heart.
Ya Rasool-Allah! our dearest friend
and guide,
May God's eternal blessings with thee
From the Arabian deserts thou sounded
thy call
To the worship of God, the Lord of
From the Arabian deserts thou taught
How the truest knowledge of God to
Thy words flew as lightning the whole
world around,
Of Truth and Light they did fully abound,
And nations, acknowledging the pow'r
of their sway,
Did find and follow the most truthful
In the wake of thy words true piety
did spring,
And great knowledge and virtue did
truly bring.
Never on earth a better soul was born,
Never the world did a purer soul adorn.
Man was fast sinking in idolatry and
When thou the great mission did first
Then in place of darkness thou Light
did give,
And taught mankind the noblest way
to live;
And reformed the world as never before,
And unique blessings on it did bestow.
Praise be to Allah for this favour
In sending thee the wicked world to
Search the world though we may from
pole to pole
While the great ocean of time doth
onward roll,
A more perfect Prophet never can we
Than thee who, thank God, gave Islam
to mankind.
Ya Rasool-Allah! my homage I make to
Ya Nabi-Allah! my love I tender thee,
My life, my all, for thee I gladly
Thy divine messages shall with me for
ever live.
My love for thee no bounds doth know,
In my heart thy mem'ry shall for ever
May Allah shower His choicest blessings
on thee,
May Allah grant thee peace for all
- M. J. Majid,
Joint Secretary,
The Ceylon Muslim Missionary Society,
Q. Who created you and
all the worlds?
A. Allah created
me and all the worlds.
Q. Who created Allah?
A. Allah created us all. He
is not created by anyone.
Q. What are your duties to Allah
(the Creator)?
A. My duties to Allah are to
have complete Faith (Iman) in Him and to submit myself entirely to His
Q. How can you have knowledge about
Him and His commands?
A. I can have knowledge about
Him. and His commands through His Apostles and Prophets.
Q. What do you understand by an
Apostle or a Prophet?
A. An Apostle or a Prophet
is a very true and pious man. He is chosen by Allah as His Messenger. Allah
inspires him with His commands, and he conveys them to humanity. In this
way, we may know the right path to lead a good life in this world and,
thus pleasing Allah, may attain peace after death.
Q. Were Prophets sent by Allah
to all nations?
A. Yes, Prophets were sent
by Allah to all nations whenever and wherever there was a need for them.
When all the nations were in need of one, Allah sent Prophet Muhammad for
the whole world.
Q. What did Prophet Muhammad teach
A. Prophet Muhammad has taught
me to render complete submission to the commands of Allah, which is called
Q. What are the cardinal Articles
of Faith in Islam ?
A. The cardinal Articles of
Faith in Islam are seven in number, viz:
(1) To believe in the oneness of Allah.
(2) To believe in all His Angels.
(3) To believe in all His Books.
(4) To believe in all His Prophets
(5) To believe in the Day of Resurrection.
(6) To believe in the Day of Judgement.
(7) To believe that the power of doing
all actions (whether good or bad) proceeds from Allah, but that we are
responsible for our actions.
Q. What are the Fundamental Principles
of Islam?
A. The Fundamental Principles
of Islam are five in number, viz:
(1) The declaration of La ilaha
illallah Muhammad-ur-rasoolullah, meaning: There is no God but
Allah, and Muhammad is His Prophet.
(2) The observance of the obligatory
prayers five times a day.
(3) distribution of Zakat (Islamic
alms-fee) among the deserving amounting to one fortieth in one's possession
for a complete year.
(4) The observation of fasts during
the daytime in the month of Ramadan.
(5) The performance of Hajj
to Mecca, at least once in a lifetime, if circumstances permit.
The Cardinal Articles of Faith in Islam
of Allah
Q. What do you mean by belief in
the Oneness of Allah?
A. By belief in the
Oneness of Allah, I mean that Allah is one and that there is none like
Him; He has no partner; He neither begets nor is He begotten; He is indivisible
in person; He is eternal; He is infinite; He has neither beginning nor
end; He is All-Mighty, the All-Knowing, the All-Just, the Cherisher of
all worlds, the Patron, the Guide, the Helper, the Merciful, the Compassionate,
Q. Where is Allah?
A. Allah is everywhere.
Q. Does Allah know all the actions
you do on earth?
A. Certainly, Allah knows all
the actions I do on earth, both good and bad. He even knows my secret thoughts.
Q. What has Allah done for you?
A. Allah has created me and
all the worlds. He loves and cherishes me. He will reward me in Heaven
for all my good actions and punish me in Hell for all my evil deeds.
Q. How can you win the love of
A. I can win the love of Allah
by complete submission to His Will and obedience to His Commands.
6. Q. How can you know the Will
and Commands of Allah?
A. I
can know the Will and Commands of Allah from the Holy Qur'an and from the
Traditions of our Prophet Muhammad (May peace and blessing of Allah be
upon him).
7. Q. What is Iman (Faith)?
A. Iman means
"to believe in", [i.e., to have] a firm and sincere belief in the cardinal
Articles of Faith.
8. Q. What is Islam?
A. Islam means "complete
submission", i.e., submitting to the orders of Allah and acting in accordance
with His Commands.
Note: One who professes
Iman is called a Mu'min (The Faithful), and one who observes
all the principles of Islam is called a Muslim.
Angels of Allah
Q. What kind of creatures
are the Angels?
A. Angels are spiritual
creatures of Allah, ever obedient to His Will and Commands. They are neither
male nor female; they have neither parents, nor wives, nor husbands, nor
sons, nor daughters. They have no material bodies, but can assume any form
they like.
Q. Do Angels eat and
drink like human beings?
A. Angels do not
eat and drink like human beings, nor do they enjoy sleep.
Q. Can you name some
of the most important Angels of Allah?
A. Yes, the most
important Angles of Allah are four in number, viz.,
(1) Jibreel
(2) Mika'il
3) Israfeel
(4) 'lzra'eel
Q. Are there any other
Angels besides those enumerated?
A. .Yes, there are
many other Angels, some of whom mentioned in the Qur'an are known to us,
but we have no knowledge about the number, names and duties of others,
which are known only to Allah.
Q. What do you know about
Angel Jibreel
A. Angel Jibreel
was employed by Allah to convey His Messages to His Chosen Ones on earth
and the Prophets, who appeared in all ages and all climes. It was the Angel
Jibreel who communicated the revelations of Allah to our Prophet Muhammad
(May peace and blessings of be upon him).
Q. Can you name some
of the main qualities of Angels?
A. Yes, the main
qualities of Angels are purity, righteousness, truthfulness and obedience
to the Will and Commands of Allah.
Q. Can Angels do anything
on earth without the express permission of Allah?
A. No, the Angels
only act in obedience to the Commands of Allah; hence they cannot do anything
on earth without His order.
Q. Do you worship Angels?
A. No, I do not worship
the Angels at all. I adore and pray Allah alone. Angels are the servants
of Allah and they too worship Him. The Holy Qur'an explicitly says that
we should not worship anyone but Allah nor should we associate any partner
with Him.
Books of Allah
Q. What do you mean by
belief in all the Books of Allah?
A. By belief in all
the Books of Allah I mean that Allah revealed Commandments and Codes of
Religion to various Prophets at different stages of history for the guidance
of mankind.
Q. Do you know the names
of Codes of Religion or the Books of Allah?
A. Yes, the Codes
of Religion or the Books of Allah are four in number, viz.,
(1) Taurat (Old Testament)
(2) Zaboor (Psalms)
(3) Injeel (New Testament)
(4) The Holy Qur'an.
Q. What are the names
of the respective Prophets to whom these books were revealed?
A. Taurat was revealed
to Prophet Moosa (Moses), Zaboor to Prophet Dawood (David), Injeel to Prophet
Isa (Jesus), and the Holy Qur'an to Prophet Muhammad (May peace and blessings
of Allah be upon them all!).
Q. Do the Taurat, Zaboor
and Injeel exist in their original forms?
A. No, they do not
exist in their original forms. The present-day editions are only interpretations
by their respective followers of later ages.
Q. Which Code of Religion
do you follow?
A. I follow the last
Code of Religion, the Holy Qur'an.
Q. What is the Holy Qur'an?
A. The Holy Qur'an
is the Gospel of the Religion of Islam. The previous Commandments and the
Codes of Religion are also incorporated in it. Its verses were inspired
and revealed by Allah to Prophet Muhammad through Angel Jibreel, and they
are still preserved intact in their original form in the Arabic language.
Q. Were the verses of
the Holy Qur'an revealed to Prophet Muhammad at one and the same time?
A. No, the verses of the Holy Qur'an were not revealed to Prophet Muhammad
at one and the same time. They were revealed to him either singly or in
batches during the last twenty-three years of his life, and were written
down at his dictation and arranged under his direction during his lifetime.
Q What does the Holy
Qur'an teach you?
A. The Holy Qur'an
teaches me to worship Almighty Allah, Him and Him alone, to obey His orders
contained therein, to follow the teachings and examples set by Prophet
Muhammad, to do good to others, especially to my parents and relations,
and to be honest and truthful in all my actions and dealings; in short,
it gives me a complete Code for the rightful guidance of my life.
Prophets of Allah
Q. What do you mean by
belief in all the Prophets of Allah?
A. By belief in all
the Prophets of Allah, I mean that at different stages of the History of
Mankind, Allah sent Prophets as His Messengers for the guidance of mankind.
I believe in all of them in general, and in those whose names are mentioned
in the Holy Qur'an in particular. I cannot personify anyone as a Prophet
if his name is not so mentioned in the Divine Book, nor can I deny the
prophethood of any one whose name is so mentioned in the Divine Book.
Q. Do you know the names
of all the Prophets who delivered the Message of Allah to mankind?
A. No, I do not know
the names of all the Prophets who delivered the Message of Allah to man-
kind, but the names of some of the great Prophets are mentioned in the
Holy Qur'an.
Q. Can you give a list
of the Prophets whose names are mentioned in the Holy Qur'an?
A. Yes. Among the
Prophets whose names are mentioned in the Holy Qur'an are: Adam, ldrees,
Noah, Hood, Saleh, lbrahim (Abraham), Isma'il (Ishmael), Ishaq (Issac),
Ya'qoob (Jacob). Yusuf (Joseph), Ayyoob, Shuaib, Moosa (Moses), Haroon
(Aaroon), Loot (Lot), Yoonus (Jones), AI-Yas'a, Zulkifl, Dawood (David),
Sulaiman (Solomon), llya (Elias), Zakaria (Zacharias), Yahya, 'Isa (Jesus)
and Muhammad.
Q. Who are the most important
from among these Prophets?
A. They are: Adam,
Noah, lbrahim, Moosa, 'Isa and the last and the greatest of all prophets,
Muhammad (May peace and blessings of Allah be upon them all!)
Q. Who is a Prophet and
what is his duty?
A. A Prophet is a
Servant and Messenger of Allah who receives the Divine revelations. He
is a model for human beings and teaches and practises the Commands of Allah.
Q. Do you worship any
of the Prophet?
A. No, I do not worship
any of the Prophets, but only love and revere them and consider them as
models of conduct for myself as well as humanity at large. The Prophets
themselves worshipped Allah and taught us to do the same.
Q. Can any of the Prophets
be called God?
A. None of the Prophets
can be called God, for they were all created by Allah Who is Self-Existing
and has no partner.
Q. Did any of the Prophets
claim Divinity?
A. None of the Prophets
claimed Divinity, for, besides being Messengers and Servants of Allah,
they themselves were human beings.
Q. To what land and to
what nation did Prophet Muhammad proclaim the Message of Allah?
A. As all the nations
of the world had either lost or forgotten the Messages delivered by the
Prophets sent to them, Prophet Muhammad proclaimed the Message of Allah
to all lands and to all nations. His prophethood is, therefore, not confined
to any one land or one nation, but is universal, i.e., for the whole world
and for all the nations.
Q. Is there any need
of a Prophet after Prophet Muhammad?
A. No, there is no
need of a Prophet after Prophet Muhammad, for the Message, i.e., the Holy
Qur'an (that he has brought for the whole world) is the final and most
complete Code of Religion, and is and will be preserved for all time absolutely
intact in its original form; besides the authentic record of the Prophet's
eventful life covering all human activities is also extant, and will always
remain as a Model for mankind. Hence no Prophet either with or without
code and commandments, is required after him, and therefore the Holy Qur'an
says that Prophet Muhammad is the last and the Seal of all Prophets.
Day of Resurrection and Judgment
Q. What do you know about
the Day of Resurrection and Judgment?
A. It is the Day
on which Allah will resurrect the dead, i.e., make the dead live again.
He will then judge each person according to his good or bad actions on
earth. He will reward those who led righteous lives and pleased Him, by
sending them to Heaven, and punish those who have disobeyed His Commands
and incurred His displeasure by committing sins and bad actions, by consigning
them to Hell.
Q. What are Heaven and
A. Heaven is an abode
of peace and happiness where every wish Is fulfilled. Hell is a place of
torture, pain and agony.
Q. How long will a person
remain in Heaven or Hell?
A. A person who dies
with complete Faith in the Oneness of Allah and in the Prophet of Allah
will remain in Heaven forever, while a person who dies without having any
belief in the Oneness of Allah and in the Prophets of Allah or having belief
in others as partners of Allah will remain in Hell forever.
Q. What will be the fate
of those who die with complete Faith in the Oneness of Allah and in the
Prophets of Allah, but have committed sins?
A. Those who have
firm belief in the Oneness of Allah and in the Prophets of Allah, but die
without atoning for and repenting sins the have committed in this world,
will be sent to Hell for a time, from where, after receiving due punishment,
they will be liberated by the Mercy of Allah and sent to Heaven, where
they will live forever.
Power of Doing Good or Evil
Q. What do you understand
by your belief in the power of doing good or evil proceeding from Allah
and Allah alone?
A. I mean that Allah
has given me the power of action (good or bad), but He has also given me
reason and a code of life to choose between good and evil, and therefore,
I am responsible for my actions. For example, Allah has given me the power
of speech. It is for me to use the tongue for speaking the truth, or abuse
its power by speaking lies.
Q. How does Allah help
you to do good acts?
A. Allah helps us
to do good acts by sending Messengers to guide us all along the right path,
and Codes of Religion.
Q. What is a sin?
A. Any action against
the Commands of Allah is a sin.
Q. Who can forgive sins?
A. Allah and Allah
alone can forgive sins.
Q. What should you do
so that Allah may forgive your sins?
A. In order that
my sins be forgiven, I must pray to Allah with all my heart and, while
atoning for all my evil deeds, resolve never to commit any such or other
misdeeds again.
Q. Which articles of
food and drink have been decreed unlawful for a Muslim?
A. The articles of
food and drink that have been decreed unlawful for a Muslim are:
(1) All kinds of intoxicating
wines, liquors and spirits.
(2) Flesh of swine and all
wild animals that employ claws or teeth for killing their victims, e.g.,
tigers, leopards, elephants, wolves, etc., and all birds of prey as hawks,
eagles, vultures, crows, etc.
(3) Rodents, reptiles, worms,
(4) Flesh of dead animals
that are otherwise sanctioned as legitimate.
(5) Flesh of animals and
birds (sanctioned) that are not slaughtered or slain in the prescribed
(6) Flesh of animals that
are offered as sacrifice to Idols.
Q. How should an animal
or a bird whose flesh is sanctioned to be lawful for food be slaughtered
or slain?
A. One should say
"Bismillahi Allahu-Akbar"
at the time of slaughtering
of slaying an animal or a bird whose flesh is sanctioned to be lawful for
food, and pass the knife over its throat in such a manner that the main
arteries are cut asunder, but the spinal chord is left alone for a while
till all the blood oozes out.
Q. Can you name some
of the acts that are major sins and are liable for severe punishment ?
A. Yes. Some of the
acts that are major sins and are liable for severe punishment are:
(1) To believe in anyone
as partner of Allah.
(2) To disbelieve in Allah
or His Prophets or His Books, or to deny any of the Fundamental Principles
of Islam.
(3) To lie.
(4) To commit adultery or
(5) To rob or steal.
(6) To cheat or deceive
(7) To bear false witness.
(8) To bring false charge
against anyone.
(9) To backbite.
(10) To abuse anybody or
injure anyone's feelings.
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calligraphy at the left side of this page reads 'Allahu Akbar' (God
is Great)