![]() Some time ago I had to make extended journeys on the freeway in a car with a colleague. The highway speed limit was 100 kilometres per hour (~62 miles/hour). Yet he consistently drove at 130 km per hour (~80 miles/hour). When asked why he drove so fast, he would always say, "That's the speed everyone else is going so I am too. Besides I'm just trying to keep up." . . . Excuse me? Yes that may be the speed at which most of the other drivers were going, but what was the logic of blindly following them and driving at such wayward speeds himself? Not only was it more dangerous, but it wasted gas, (thus creating more of an economic burden for the driver and also contributed to environmental problems) caused more wear and tear on the car and it was more tiring because the driver had to be extra hyper-alert when driving at those ridiculously high speeds. Not to forget of course, that he was breaking the law too. It seems to me that a very
similar scenario is being played out nowadays in our Muslim Ummah
(community). We live in very corrupt times. But because everyone else appears
to be ignoring the Shari'ah (Islamic Law) only to follow their own
whims and passions, it does not mean that we should blindly follow them
like sheep and do the same. So in this essay, I will discuss three pertinent
(Traditions of the Prophet Muhammad 1. Good
Servitude During the Time of Mischief
During these corrupt times
(i.e., when religious belief and knowledge are mixed in with iconoclastic
cultural traditions and social customs) mischief, confusion and turmoil
prevail throughout the world. And so it is during these troubled times
that true worship is considered to be similar to emigration towards the
Prophet Muhammad In the time of the Prophet
Muhammad Muslims will face many arduous trials in life. Just think of Kashmir, Afghanistan, Chechnya, Kosovo, Bosnia, Israel, Turkey, Iraq etc. for example. Thus Muslims who live in those and other locations face enormous trials (let alone the trials that we all face on a day to day basis). Even so, in spite of the severity of their trials, Muslims are nonetheless required to be good servants of Allah and to observe all of their duties and responsibilities. A person cannot know what reward will result from his or her trials and tribulations. So although a Muslim's tests may appear to be insurmountable, he or she is still required to maintain good servitude to Allah in the midst of it all. We Muslims are still required to carry out all our duties, do good work, avoid evil and stay away from anything that can lead to sinfulness in spite of what's occurring around us. If society has been corrupted,
then we are not required to follow society. In fact we are forbidden to.
We are required to follow the orders of Allah ta'ala (God Almighty)
in each and every individual situation and circumstance of our lives. So
it is then, that in order to live a virtuous life (even though one is completely
surrounded by a dreadfully corrupt and obstreperous world), we must obey
Allah and follow the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad 2. Rewards
for Holding on to the Sunnah
The rank of a martyr (shahid) in the Hereafter is very high. The moment a martyr's blood is spilled on the ground, if he or she is a true shahid, [2] their place in Paradise will be shown to them. The shahid will be saved from the hardship of the Day of Judgement and torment in the Hereafter. But how can a person receive a martyr's reward even though he or she may never have participated in one battle or lost any blood? When corruption prevails in a society, people, including Muslims, tend to follow their own whims as well as the mischievous temptations and promptings of Shaytain (Satan). At such a time they may choose to neglect their own duties and acts of worship which have been prescribed for them. They will then indulge in sinful deeds and actions. Nonetheless, it is still possible for a person during such difficult times to follow the Sunnah of the holy Prophet and stay clear from sin and wrongful action. Our beloved Prophet lived an exemplary life in his time. He always demonstrated the best courtesy and manners (adab) towards others, even though he himself was immersed in extreme tribulation. We know that holding on to the Prophet's Sunnah can save a person and bring him or her happiness both in this world and in the Hereafter. These are not idle words! Muslims are exhorted to first hold on to the Qur'an and to secondly hold on to the Sunnah of the holy Prophet (i.e. to follow the Shari'ah). The Qur'an is the word of God. The Sunnah of the Prophet is the application of Qur'an in life. That is why it is necessary to follow the Sunnah for a person who wants to follow the Qur'an and lead a life in accordance with it. If anything else that contradicts the Sunnah is established by third parties, it is called bid'ah. There is a Hadith which states, "Every bid'ah is a corruption, and every person who establishes corruption goes to Hell." In another Hadith, the Prophet said, "The people of bid'ah are the dogs of Hell." When we study the Sunnah of the Prophet in the Hadith literature, we realize just how well the Prophet explained the details of life to us. A Muslim who hangs on to the Sunnah of the Prophet becomes a good Muslim regardless of the country he or she may live in (be it Pakistan, India, Malaysia, Europe, America etc. etc.) On the other hand, if Muslims distance themselves from the Sunnah and indulge in bid'ah (perverse innovation), and follow profane paths, then they will become a hard-hearted, brutal and merciless people. They will no longer be able to discern what is halal (allowed) from what is haram (forbidden). They will become selfish and opportunistic. And then all manner of wickedness will emanate from them. The Prophet Muhammad In this
the Prophet Muhammad Let's look at some so-called Islamic countries. There are many of them including: Sudan, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Turkey, Kosovo, and many many more. Do the leaders of those countries comply with the Islamic Shari'ah? What about the subjects of those countries? Do they follow their leaders or the Shari'ah? Of course there are some righteous people in every country, but in some cases one would have to search hard to find them. How do these righteous people maintain their physical and spiritual purity given the poisoned environments that they live in? What would be more preferable, a non-Muslim country led by a benevolent and just leader, or a Muslim country led by a malignant and corrupt leader?[3] Now is the time of the corruption
pointed out by the Prophet Muhammad 3. Worry about your own soul (ruh)
Our beloved Prophet Muhammad Now a person who is to ordain
good and forbid evil must be well informed on the Qur'an and
After all they must remind people about their duties and responsibilities.
But when society has become corrupted, when there is an unwillingness to
share with others, when everybody attends to the desires of his or her
own nafs, when the Hereafter is forgotten, when this world is preferred
over the Hereafter, when everybody follows his or her own opinion, then
it will be futile to remind them about their responsibilities and duties
because they simply won't listen. The Prophet Muhammad "Verily,
there will be days waiting for you that those who persevere in holding
onto Islam will feel like they are holding glowing fire in their hands."
It will be hard to live in total compliance with Islam. "Whoever
practices Islam during such a time will be given the rewards of fifty people
who do the same deeds." Since it will be difficult to practice
Islam, one person will receive fifty times their rewards. According to
Abu Dawud, one of the Companions of the Prophet asked, "O Prophet of Allah,
are the rewards of the fifty people from among ourselves or from among
them?" That is, "Will these rewards be the same as the rewards given to
the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad This is great news! Muslims may experience severe trials simply because they want to practice Islam, but they must remain patient. They must not be fooled by all the propaganda, trickery, provocation, advertising, and the glitz and glamour of this materialistic age. When it comes to disobedience of Allah ta'ala's orders, rather than saying, 'Everyone else is doing it, so I am too,' they should instead obey Allah ta'ala and His Prophet. A Muslim must never comply with a corrupt society. And it is up to every Muslim to know whether or not his or her society has been corrupted. Many choose to follow their own society pridefully without first ascertaining whether its leaders are corrupt or not. Many assume that since they have been raised in a Muslim country, that their leaders and their community couldn't possibly be corrupt. This is unsound and dangerous logic! [5] If a person lives in accordance
with the Shari'ah during this difficult time, then he or she will
receive rewards as if they emigrated into the Prophet's circle. If a person
lives in accordance with the Shari'ah, then they will also receive
rewards as if they had lost their lives in the path of Allah as a martyr
(shahid). And if they live in accordance with the Shari'ah,
then he or she will receive the rewards that will be given to fifty Companions
of the Prophet Muhammad Masha Allah!
References Sahih
[1] This is Arabic calligraphy. Transliteration: Salla Allahu 'Alaihi wa Sallam (s.a.w.s). Translation: "May the blessing and the peace of Allah be upon him." This is a form of endearment which Muslims use whenever the name of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.s) is mentioned. [2] Sahih Muslim Book 020, Number 4688: It has been narrated on the authority of Sulaiman b. Yasar who said: People dispersed from around Abu Huraira, and Natil, who was from the Syrians, said to him: O Shaikh, relate (to us) a tradition you have heard from the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him). He said: Yes. I heard the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) say: The first of men (whose case) will be decided on the Day of Judgement will be a man who died as a martyr. He shall be brought (before the Judgement Seat). Allah will make him recount His blessings (i. e. the blessings which He had bestowed upon him) and he will recount them (and admit having enjoyed them in his life). (Then) will Allah say: What did you do (to requite these blessings)? He will say: I fought for Thee until I died as a martyr. Allah will say: You have told a lie. You fought that you might be called a 'brave warrior.' And you were called so. (Then) orders will be passed against him and he will be dragged with his face downward and cast into Hell. Then will be brought forward a man who acquired knowledge and imparted it (to others) and recited the Qur'an. He will be brought And Allah will make him recount His blessings and he will recount them (and admit having enjoyed them in his lifetime). Then will Allah ask: What did you do (to requite these blessings)? He will say: I acquired knowledge and disseminated it and recited the Qur'an seeking Thy pleasure. Allah will say: You have told a lie. You acquired knowledge so that you might be called 'a scholar,' and you recited the Qur'an so that it might be said:'He is a Qari' and such has been said. Then orders will be passed against him and he shall be dragged with his face downward and cast into the Fire. Then will be brought a man whom Allah had made abundantly rich and had granted every kind of wealth. He will be brought and Allah will make him recount His blessings and he will recount them and (admit having enjoyed them in his lifetime). Allah will (then) ask: What have you done (to requite these blessings)? He will say: I spent money in every cause in which Thou wished that it should be spent. Allah will say: You are lying. You did (so) that it might be said about (You):'He is a generous fellow' and so it was said. Then will Allah pass orders and he will be dragged with his face downward and thrown into Hell.Sahih Bukhari Volume 8, Book 77, Number 604: Narrated Sahl bin Sa'd:There was a man who fought most bravely of all the Muslims on behalf of the Muslims in a battle (Ghazwa) in the company of the Prophet. The Prophet looked at him and said. "If anyone would like to see a man from the people of the Fire, let him look at this (brave man)." On that, a man from the People (Muslims) followed him, and he was in that state i.e., fighting fiercely against the pagans till he was wounded, and then he hastened to end his life by placing his sword between his breasts (and pressed it with great force) till it came out between his shoulders. Then the man (who was watching that person) went quickly to the Prophet and said, "I testify that you are Allah's Apostle!" The Prophet asked him, "Why do you say that?" He said, "You said about so-and-so, If anyone would like to see a man from the people of the Fire, he should look at him.' He fought most bravely of all of us on behalf of the Muslims and I knew that he would not die as a Muslim (Martyr). So when he got wounded, he hastened to die and committed suicide." Whereupon the Prophet said, "A man may do the deeds of the people of the Fire while in fact he is one of the people of Paradise, and he may do the deeds of the people of Paradise while in fact he belongs to the people of Fire, and verily, (the rewards of) the deeds are decided by the last actions (deeds)".[3] In this case, according to the Shari'ah, the non-Muslim country that is led by a just leader would be better than a Muslim country led by a corrupt leader. [4] The
Companions of the Prophet were very special for the Prophet Muhammad [5] Much
of what some cultures have been taught about Islam is not Islam at all,
but is instead made to look like an Islamic practice that is somehow necessary
in order for a person to be a good Muslim. Most often these are instead
cultural practises rather than Islamic practises.